Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Galleria

So obviously i haven't been posting much lately. Its been crazy busy here and i haven't really had a lot of time to do much of anything, even eat! So here's what's up.

First I am pleased to announce that I have finally managed to lease my own gallery! YEaH! As you can tell I'm extremely excited and my blood starts pumping faster just thinking about. At the moment I can't really tell if its fear or excitement but either way its energizing! There is still much work to do. The walls need some touching up, sew and hang some large curtains, lights, carpet needs to come out, sand and finish the floors, furnish the apartment in the back... Oh i forgot that part. The gentleman, Curt, who is renting the space was very excited to hear that i wanted to live in the building as well as run the gallery there and said he would build me an apartment in the back. How cool is that?! I also need to set up shows and events, get a tax license, write up contracts and find a tax consultant. Any suggestions?

The next or rather first thing... meaning the gallery will open after I'm done with this. I have to graduate.. Yup I'm starting a gallery and trying to graduate at the same time.. Obviously not the greatest of things to take up all at the same time. For graduation i have to have my senior exhibit, take exit exams, and the usual finals for the other classes. I got the pretest the other day and completely bombed the first 1/3 of the test then rocked the last two. It became painfully clear that my Art History is far under par. As far as the senior show goes its just expensive and time consuming. I've orders a little over a hundred prints with sizes varying between 8x10 11x14 16-20 20-30 and 24-36. Then when they all get here i have to by the hooks that I'm hanging them with as well as foam board and spray adhesive. Finally lock myself in my poorly ventilated room and let the fun begin. All in all it gets really expensive when the munches kick in.

Finally probably the biggest mistake I've made was to add photo shoots on top of all the perviously mentioned things. I only did this because i need the money to pay for the gallery rent and well it isn't every day that a hotel asks you to take photos of their rooms, building, breakfasts, and floors and then attaches a pretty paycheck to it. Naturally I hope this could be the beginning of larger business, and i hope everything goes well. Like i said though i had to take this on during graduating, the gallery, and well I'm still a CA so that helps add a little stress on as well.

Even with all this stress and craziness going on, its hard to say that I'm not happy. I am greatly enjoying all the work and the chances to stay busy. We have decided on a name for the gallery. It will be called "The Art House Gallery" i changed galleria to gallery because well i couldn't get past it sounding like diarrhea. It will be themed like an old movie theater and hopefully eventually have a show that follows the Art House idea. The grand opening will happen later in January or February and it will be announced on here later. My senior show will be December 14-18 with a reception on the 18th at 7:00pm at the Warren M Lee Center for the Fine Arts. Everyone is invited and its a free event. The show name is "Out of Darkness".

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