Monday, February 8, 2010

Now the Hard Part

I wasn’t kidding last time when I wrote now to the hard part. There is always work to do here, but the work is a minor inconvenience when it comes to the finances of this place. Now first I should say I can’t complain to much on this matter, but I'm gonna, because my landlord is giving me a great deal and has given me far more support than your average landlord ever would. However, when there is no sales and no one willing to leave their homes it is very difficult to make a business like this work. We have had minimal traffic through here lately, and its very discouraging to see that parents won’t even leave their evening tv shows to go out and see their son/daughters art show.

Anyway with my little rant about lazy people out of the way, the finances are a little strained. It is highly possible that I will have enough for rent this month but as for next month that is a little up in the air. It cost a little over $1000 a month to keep this store open, and for me to live here. I am currently sitting on a grand total of $200 gross income since opening day. What! Jake you aren’t supposed to talk about that! Well I have to. How else is anyone going to know what’s really happening here. Anyway, I’m not asking for donations, even though there is a donate button on the contact us page, however what I am saying is that if the funds don’t start supporting the gallery more, I will have to get a job and the gallery will be closed more than open. Which now that i think about it it will cut down on energy costs.. Anyway I don’t want to close the gallery 4 out of 7 days of the week. It hardly seems worth having if thats all its open.

I am the only person here so naturally I am limited to how much I can do in a day, but giving that I am the only person here it gives me a lot of time to think. Today I have decided to make the gallery a little more versatile. Instead of being just a gallery it is going to become a meeting place for small groups. Church groups, book clubs, homework groups, acoustic shows, instrumentals, and business meetings. Donation jars will be out to help support the idea and hopefully help with the finances. The art will still be available and shows will still be common. I feel that the gallery must morph into something new in order to continue doing business.

If you have any ideas as far as income opportunities that would help the gallery feel free to shoot us an email. I would love to get anyone and everyone involved as much as possible

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